“Never get so busy making a living that you forget to live” This is a great quote for me as I too often get caught up in just doing what has to get done that I forget to truly live. In the last 18 months or so. I have spent most of my time making a living and doing what has to get done that I have not spent much time just living. Not that I haven’t enjoyed life during this time, granted a few curveballs have come my way, but at the same time there have been many rewards. I just haven’t given myself time to pursue hobbies and passions such as my photography. However, as of late, my husband has been making it a point to get me out and to shoot. We have been chasing sunsets and exploring the terrain that we have right in our little home town. We are making time to “live” do something we want to do and not just things we have to do, and it feels great. From here I am hoping to begin my Journey through Photography again. What I will post is unknown, it may be landscapes, it may be wildlife, it may just be life, but regardless it will be part of my journey.

Wallula Junction Windmills